Thursday, January 12, 2012

Young Hearts Photography

Diamond rings on every hand. An unending supply of free cake. Several competing and out of sync thumping bass beats.

I describe not my most recent post-snooze-button hallucination, but the Santa Barbara Bridal Expo.

This past weekend I went up to SB to help a friend with her expo booth. She and her friend own their own wedding photography company, Young Hearts Photography. I was craftily responsible for the lettered garland, heart garlands and Mr. and Mrs. bunting.

Wouldn't that bunting be cute on the front of the bride and groom's table at the reception??

They also let me sit behind the table with them and hand out cards. Thanks guys!!

Some of their freebies were layers of salt water taffy...

...and cute little notepads made out of seed paper. When you plant the covers, wildflowers grow. I know, right??

If you're in the market for a wedding photographer, check out their website. Their pictures are beautiful and inspiring.

They provide at least 500 fully edited photos with their basic package [some photographers just hand over thousands of raw images and the bride and groom have to weed through them themselves].

They do engagement sessions too!

 Santa Barbara is their home base but they're definitely up for traveling.

Just look at that barn. That's what I want someday. A wedding in a barn. With a live band and miniature desserts and flower ponies.


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