Friday, August 1, 2014

Sew Together Bag


Hello Dear Readers.

This week I've been pretty bogged down in a couple different projects, which is why it's been a little quiet on the blogging front. I decided that after doing a lot of work related sewing stuff, it was time to do a little selfish sewing, so I made the Sew Demented Sew Together Bag that I've been seeing popping up on the inter webs. [Because to take a break from sewing, you do more sewing, right? I knew you'd understand.]

I've been going to a knitting group here in Nashville - which I really enjoy, it's at a bar - but my knitting supplies are usually a hot mess when I leave the house, stuffed into a half ripped paper bag or a flimsy reusable grocery tote. I really need to pull it together.


The Sew Together bag has a bazillion [ok, seven] different compartments to store things, which appeals to the part of my brain that rabidly craves bags with tiny organizational pockets. Like those bags that have individual pen holsters on the inside. Do I ever use those? No. But do I enjoy the fact that someday, should I decide that I would like to individually holster my pens, I will be able to? Yes.


So I think this will be a good knitting tool bag, with all its pockets and zippered crevices. In my fabric choices on the inside I went back to my crafty roots a little bit, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

For the outside I used canvas duck and quilted it with two layers of batting, which turned out to be quite excessive because this bad boy is really thick. Mental note for next time. The binding is leftovers from my Grainline Archer shirt.

While staying up super late to work on this, by the way, I watched this four part PBS documentary on JFK on Netflix, which was really good, and covered lots of things I wasn't familiar with [and did not spend a lot of time on the assassination]. For instance, did you know he was plagued by health problems, and had to be injected with amphetamines and novocaine regularly during his presidency?

So I'd highly recommend it if you're into that sort of thing.


In searching through my fabric for scrappy bits, I realize that I have a ton of stuff that I'd like to destash. So next week I'll be doing a destash on Instagram. If you're interested be sure to follow me. I think I see some Melody Miller, Heather Ross, and Anna Maria Horner in there!


What else have I been doing? This week I decided to completely rearrange my sewing space, which is always a great thing to do when you are in the middle of multiple projects. I was inspired by Heather Lou, who just seemed to pull her gorgeous new studio space out of thin air [I realize it was actually a ton of work] and I thought, I want that! I always feel like my sewing area is a work in progress, and I constantly have to stop to clean or rearrange or find something. I'd really like it to feel more done.

In other groundbreaking, earth-shattering news, I finally bought this popsicle mold that I've had in my Amazon cart for possibly more than a year. I immediately made this guilt free fudgesicle recipe, and I think it's safe to say that my life will never be the same.


Happy weekend! I leave you with a picture of Hootie, because what choice do I have.



  1. 'sup Hootie! also, nice popsicle!

  2. This is so so cute!!! I'm not big on sewing bags, but THIS. I want one too!


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