Thursday, August 2, 2012

In Honor of Promaballoona

I'm right in the middle of making my dress for Promaballoona. There is a lot of work yet to be done. Not gonna lie, starting to panic a little...

 In the mean time, here is a picture of me from my actual prom for your enjoyment. My dress was from JcPenney, or Windsor, or Dillard's or something like that.

In my last post I said that my dress was knee length, and in my memory it is, but here you can see that it's actually a much less flattering just-about-the-ankle length. I went to a Catholic all girls high school, and only juniors and seniors could go to the prom. I didn't go my junior year because there was this silly rule that you had to go with a date, you couldn't just go with a group of friends. I mean, really?? So, senior year, when I thought to myself, I better go to prom or I'm going to regret it forever, my date was my best friend's [pictured] sorta-boyfriend's [pictured] friend [my date], who coincidentally had been my grade school classmate up until about fifth grade. Kinda awkward.

And I mean, prom pictures. The guys' hands on our elbows. Really? Sooo uncomfortable.

And here, courtesy of my mom, is a picture of the actual dress. Because it's still hanging in my closet. I really loved this dress when I wore it. And actually, if it really were knee length and made from a different fabric, it might even be something I would still consider wearing. Is that bad??

And a closeup [thanks mom!]:


  1. I love it. Multilayered crinkly and the shade of pink is perfect. I wish I still had mine:)

  2. awesome!!! first I was totally distracted by your hair! but then I quickly went past the dress directly to the shoes. OMG, those SHOES! those are totally Sunday church sandals. fantastic!

    1. yes the shoes are so amazingly terrible! and of course they had to be the exact same shade as my dress. and my necklace. and my earrings. because matching = fancy.

  3. oh my goodness this is everything a prom photo should be. the backdrop alone--is that an extraneous piano on the right side?

    1. an extraneous piano, as well as a few creeping stems from a mostly-chopped-off floral arrangement.

  4. there is no prom panic! only prom imbibing! get you a glass of something afternoon appropriate (i suggest a sherry, or a margarita) and tear up that tulle.

    (i love that pink dress. would TOTALLY wear it today.)

  5. Yes Nora, that is a random piano to set the scene for the photo, for no reason.

  6. pianos make everything fancier. also i think our theme had something to do with jazz? so maybe it was a halfhearted attempt at a theme reference?

  7. It was so great to get to meet you last night, and I loved your cambie dress and matching bow tie! Well done!

  8. I think you could TOTALLY make this pink dress wearable again without much effort! And I think you look adorable in your prom picture :)


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